Implement an ERP system
Using ERP software is all about efficiency. An ERP package is an excellent system that gives you the opportunity to work efficiently. The ERP software ensures that you only have to enter data once and that processes are linked to each other. The success of using an ERP package naturally lies in the choice of the package, but often even more in how the package is implemented.
ERP Implementation
My “Word spell checker” says “Vague language” about “Implementation”. So actually, I should use a different word ;)
Implementation is the design/setting up of your ERP System so that it is suitable for use within your company. See an ERP System as blocks of functionalities. Each block is a business process, and each block can be stacked in multiple ways. ERP Systems are often depicted as puzzle pieces that fit together seamlessly. In itself well presented, but a puzzle piece only fits together in one way and with an ERP system that is not the case. The pieces can often be linked together in different ways. It's just like the game “Tetris”. Many blocks that you have to make fit. Making the blocks fit is what is done during the implementation of the ERP System by an
During implementation, it often becomes clear to the end user what the possibilities and impossibilities of the ERP System are. Every so often, an ERP System works differently than you envision or the processes running within your company. Together with the ERP Consultant, you are looking for the best solution. This could be a different working method or adjusting the ERP System. Which choice is best varies from case to case.
Keep it Simple
The working method within your company is precisely why you have an advantage over your competition, and you would not consider changing it. If that is really the case, then definitely don't do it! But make sure that when making your ERP Package selection, you choose an ERP System that is flexible enough to make adjustments at a reasonable price. One size fits all software is immediately excluded, but also the less modern ERP systems that are difficult to adjust or where you pay the top price for every adjustment. Select a modern package where adjustments are fairly easy. Open-source ERP-Systems are often extremely suitable for this.
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
An adjustment in the ERP Software must deliver value. Because keep in mind that you will include every adjustment in the software during the entire time that you use the software. With every update or extension of the software, you have to take your customization into account. The total cost of owning the software (TCO) therefore increases. That does not have to be a problem, as long as the value increase in the adjustment is higher.
But if you choose ERP Customization because that's what you're talking about, try to keep it simple. With every request for an adjustment, ask yourself: Does this adjustment provide me with value? If you cannot answer this question simply and quickly, I would advise you not to do it. Why would you have something made that does not provide direct value?
Is customization a bad idea?
No, you won't hear me say that. Customization can be the best solution to the problem. If you are ahead and have a different vision than others, you are more likely to need something that is not yet there. Customization gives you a direct advantage and an edge over the rest.
But it certainly also depends on the ERP system. One system is not the same and there are many similarities, but also differences. The difference is in both width and depth. If you have a specialist package, you often miss a lot of broad functionality, and you often have to link to other systems. If you have a package that can do a lot in terms of breadth, you sometimes miss depth. In those cases, it is often best to see if you can add depth with customization.
Can customization also be simple?
Yes, customization can also be simple. Have you determined that customizing the software is best for your business? It yields more than it costs. Then take customization and try to make the solution as simple as possible for every user. It seems obvious, but I often see that things are made unnecessarily complex and therefore often do not deliver value to the company. Think carefully about what you want, and seek good advice and guidance. Also look left and right to see if there are other solutions that may be simpler. Sometimes other solutions seem less good, but because they are much simpler, they are often the best solutions. Solutions that people use.
Voor de boekhouder: Odoo denkt met je mee
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Ook bij het verwerken van facturen denkt Odoo met je mee. Per leverancier leg je de bepaalde betalingscondities en de fiscale positie vast. Hierdoor krijgen facturen automatisch de juiste vervaldatum en worden boekingen automatisch doorgeleid naar de omzetrekening voor niet-binnenlandse kostprijs. Uiteraard mét de juiste btw-codering en -berekening.
Heb je een factuur binnen de EU? Op de factuur staat dan netjes vermeld dat het btw-percentage 0% is. Binnen Odoo worden de boekingen aangemaakt voor de af te dragen en voorbelasting btw. Toch wel handig voor de btw-aangifte iedere maand of van elk kwartaal.
Implement an ERP System